How Sharon got her life back

My client Sharon, 58, has two disc herniations and degenerating discs in her lumbar spine. She’s endured chronic back pain for a decade, worsening notably in the last three months.
Getting out of bed was difficult, gardening impossible, and even short walks left her back so stiff and sore that she wanted to shut down.
Sharon is tough though…
She’s got a high pain tolerance, and tries to “push through” her chronic back pain no matter what.
Despite her efforts to stay active and maintain a healthy diet, she adamantly opposes painkillers. She felt immense frustration when the doctor barely examined her, spent only 15 minutes with her, and insisted she take painkillers and rest for her chronic back pain.
To make matters worse, a trip to a “specialist” two months later wasn’t much more helpful when her MRI revealed “2 disc herniations” and “degenerative arthritis” in her lumbar spine.
Doctor said she was facing:
-Injections and needed stronger painkillers
-Potentially life altering, dangerous surgery
– And that the “degeneration” in her back was irreversible and she needed to just “accept it” and “manage the pain”.
BUT 6 months later… she was living life again pain free.
How did Sharon make a full recovery in 6 months, without taking a single pill and without needing injections or surgery for her chronic back pain?
Because at Empower PT + Pilates, we were able to diagnose the real, root cause of her pain.
The BIGGEST problem today in traditional health care is the fact that most doctors and health professionals treat every single person with back pain exactly the same…
Which means almost every person with a back injury is labeled as a “disc herniation” or “arthritic”…
Often, there is NO:
- individualized attention.
- process of “figuring the problem out”.
- consideration of other more realistic causes such as weak muscles, stiff joints, or movement compensation.
This leads to a DANGEROUS, systemic problem of treating symptoms instead of taking the time necessary to identify the ROOT cause of a problem.
For Sharon, like MOST others we have helped with disc problems or degenerating discs, we realized that the root cause of her pain was NOT from her “discs” or “arthritis”…but it was from:
-Scar tissue in the muscles and tissues along her spine (from inflammation that had built up because of repetitive stress).
-Muscle imbalances and weakness in her core and hips that dated back to an old hip injury she had 15 years ago while skiing.
-Poor movement habits that developed from compensation since she had been guarding her back for such a long time (this caused her to bend over when gardening or picking up grocery backs with poor form, making her pain much worse)
These are all legitimate problems that will NEVER show up on an x-ray or an MRI.
While x-rays and MRI’s may tell you what is going on inside your back, they won’t tell you the important information of “WHY your back is hurting”…
By being able to address these problems through a very structured, individualized, and detailed process of healing her body (naturally), she is now able to:
– Garden 3 times a week WITHOUT needing advil.
– Walk 4 miles EVERY DAY (without her back seizing up)!
– Able to sit comfortably and go on long drives to Moab with her family and 2 grandchildren (without needing to pull over every 30 minutes to stretch her back).
For Sharon, it all started when she claimed her very own FREE BACK PAIN ADVICE report from us, “7 Simple Ways To Finally END Back Pain & Stiffness…Without Taking Painkillers, Without Risking Surgery, and Without Having to See Your Doctor!“.
This report is unlike many other back pain products because it is NOT focused on only relieving your pain, but tells you how to IDENTIFY and ELIMINATE the cause of your pain…
The goal of this report is NOT to give you a “magic pill” or a “quick fix”, but to give you actionable advice and help you take back control of your body without pain dictating your life.
OR if you would like to fast track your recovery, you can apply for your FREE Discovery Visit with me today where we can meet in person to get all your questions answered.
Can’t wait to see you in the clinic soon.
Casey Murphy
P.S. If you want to contact me through email, send me your questions at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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