Say Goodbye to Hip and Back Pain
Say Goodbye to Hip and Back Pain Are you experiencing hip or back pain when sitting on the floor? Does it feel like a challenge to get up from that position due to tightness? Playing with your little one shouldn’t be painful or frustrating. It’s a common complaint among many of our clients, and we […]
Getting Back to Fitness After Pregnancy:
Getting Back to Fitness After Pregnancy: Tips and Exercises for New Moms Are you a new mom wondering how to safely get back into a fitness routine post-pregnancy? Learn about safe postpartum exercises, timelines, and expectations for mothers returning to fitness after childbirth. Benefits of Post-Pregnancy Exercise Exercising after pregnancy offers numerous benefits, including improved […]
How To Stop Peeing Every Time You Sneeze, Laugh, Or Jump!
How To Stop Peeing Every Time You Sneeze, Laugh, Or Jump! Do you sometimes laugh so hard that you pee just a little? Are you always wearing a panty liner to workout or play with the kids “just in case”?Do you feel like it’s getting weak down there as you get older? Well, ladies… you’re […]
How To Actually Engage Your Core
How To Actually Engage Your Core When it comes to your CORE, most of us need to go back to the basics to learn how to engage the core. This is especially for YOU if you’re athletic… You have probably heard of the core and been told that it should be a part of your […]