Empower PT Pilates

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What Is Functional Urinary Incontinence?

What Is Functional Urinary Incontinence? Picture this: You’re out with friends, having a great time, sharing laughter, and enjoying yourself. Suddenly, a burst of laughter sends you rushing to the restroom, leaving you feeling embarrassed and self-conscious. Sound familiar? If this scenario strikes a chord with you, you’re not alone. Many women experience moments like […]

6 Pilates Exercises That Will Help With Back Pain

6 Pilates Exercises That Will Help With Back Pain Staying active is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and improving overall health. And with today’s fast-paced lives, it can be hard to find the time or the motivation to do so. That’s why Pilates is such a great option – it offers an efficient way […]

Pilates is the Secret To Staying Young

Pilates is the Secret To Staying Young And, Active, and Mobile Even In Your 60s And 70s! Did you know that research shows that regular Pilates can ward off aches and pains, and help us stay sharp, active, and vibrant well into our 60s, 70s, and beyond? You might think of Pilates as a ‘fad’ just for […]

Want Core Strength?

Want Core Strength? Unlock the Endless Benefits of Pilates Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates, who believed mental and physical health were closely connected. Pilates improves core strength, posture, balance, flexibility, and control, enhancing overall well-being and fitness. Here are just a few of the benefits and reasons why Pilates could transform your health: Comprehensive Full-Body […]

Got Tight Hip Flexors?

Got Tight Hip Flexors? Why Stretching Isn’t the Answer… Yes, we’re talking about you, tight hip flexors and hamstrings.  We hear this often… “I’ve been stretching my [insert muscle here], and it doesn’t ever seem to loosen.” Or “what’s the best stretch for my…” and “I do all of this stretching, but my back STILL […]

Getting Back to Fitness After Pregnancy:

Getting Back to Fitness After Pregnancy: Tips and Exercises for New Moms Are you a new mom wondering how to safely get back into a fitness routine post-pregnancy? Learn about safe postpartum exercises, timelines, and expectations for mothers returning to fitness after childbirth. Benefits of Post-Pregnancy Exercise Exercising after pregnancy offers numerous benefits, including improved […]

How To Actually Engage Your Core

How To Actually Engage Your Core When it comes to your CORE, most of us need to go back to the basics to learn how to engage the core. This is especially for YOU if you’re athletic… You have probably heard of the core and been told that it should be a part of your […]

Exercises That Can Help Strengthen Your Core 

Exercises That Can Help Strengthen Your Core Having a strong core can be life-changing. So understanding the exercises you can do to help strengthen your core is important and vital to your overall health.   Injury prevention is the number one reason that most benefit from having a stronger core. It can help the other muscles […]