Empower PT Pilates

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What Is Functional Urinary Incontinence?

What Is Functional Urinary Incontinence? Picture this: You’re out with friends, having a great time, sharing laughter, and enjoying yourself. Suddenly, a burst of laughter sends you rushing to the restroom, leaving you feeling embarrassed and self-conscious. Sound familiar? If this scenario strikes a chord with you, you’re not alone. Many women experience moments like […]

How To Sleep With A Prolapsed Bladder

How To Sleep With A Prolapsed Bladder Hey there, my amazing Arvada neighbors! It’s Casey Murphy, your local physical therapist, and I’m here to talk about something that’s keeping many of you up at night—literally. Imagine this: You’ve had a full day, and all you want is a good night’s sleep. But as you lay […]

3 Ways To Fix Your Prolapse

3 Ways To Fix Your Prolapse Without Surgery Prolapse is a condition that can disrupt your daily life in more ways than one. Do you like going on long walks or going cycling? Say goodbye. Not only does prolapse pain affect you physically, but it can have an astronomical effect on your well-being. The discomfort, […]

Exercise Is Key In Postpartum Recovery

Exercise Is Key In Postpartum Recovery Exercise is a crucial part of the recovery process after childbirth. It not only helps you get back in shape, it also helps your body heal faster and more effectively. Exercise promotes healing, improves circulation, reduces swelling, and increases endorphins. It also reduces stress levels and helps with post-birth […]

Pilates is the Secret To Staying Young

Pilates is the Secret To Staying Young And, Active, and Mobile Even In Your 60s And 70s! Did you know that research shows that regular Pilates can ward off aches and pains, and help us stay sharp, active, and vibrant well into our 60s, 70s, and beyond? You might think of Pilates as a ‘fad’ just for […]

Running without Injury

Running without Injury Essential Tips for Running without injury: A Guide for Beginners Whether you’re a novice or seasoned runner, staying injury-free is paramount. Here’s what you need to know before you hit the pavement on your lunch break so you can enjoy running without injury: Why do some runners seem to always get injured […]

Understanding Joint Pain

Understanding Joint Pain Joint pain diagnosis isn’t as scary as it seems Are your joints bone-on-bone? Don’t worry—it’s not as scary as it sounds. If you’ve been advised for a joint replacement after cortisone injections, know that they only provide temporary relief. Facing surgery, you’re likely seeking alternatives. Good news: there’s a 90% chance your […]

Got Tight Hip Flexors?

Got Tight Hip Flexors? Why Stretching Isn’t the Answer… Yes, we’re talking about you, tight hip flexors and hamstrings.  We hear this often… “I’ve been stretching my [insert muscle here], and it doesn’t ever seem to loosen.” Or “what’s the best stretch for my…” and “I do all of this stretching, but my back STILL […]

Not All Physical Therapy Is The Same

Not All Physical Therapy Is The Same ​You might be a bit surprised to hear this, but here it is: Not all physical therapy is equal. In fact, Empower PT + Pilates was founded in response to a lack of quality care in the industry.​As the trend in the traditional PT community went more toward […]

Getting Back to Fitness After Pregnancy:

Getting Back to Fitness After Pregnancy: Tips and Exercises for New Moms Are you a new mom wondering how to safely get back into a fitness routine post-pregnancy? Learn about safe postpartum exercises, timelines, and expectations for mothers returning to fitness after childbirth. Benefits of Post-Pregnancy Exercise Exercising after pregnancy offers numerous benefits, including improved […]