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Empower PT & Pilates Blog

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Essential Tips for Running without injury: A Guide for Beginners Whether you’re a novice or seasoned runner, staying injury-free is paramount. Here’s what you need to know before you hit the pavement on your lunch break so you can enjoy running without injury: Why do some runners seem to always get injured while others are […]

Running without Injury

the latest

Here’s Why… Do you find yourself wondering how and when you got so old?  Are you waking up with achy joints each morning finding it harder and harder to get out of bed?  Does it take you a while to get moving in the morning or after sitting too long?  You’re not alone!  This happens […]

Stiff Achy Joints?

Physical Therapy

Experiencing lower back pain, especially after transitioning to long hours of sitting at home? Whether it’s a recent issue or a long-standing discomfort, lower back pain is common. The good news? Pilates can often provide significant relief, if not complete resolution, for most cases of lower back pain. Nagging back pain can come at any […]

5 Pilates Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Back Pain

What are the 3 things you MUST have to support healthy joints and live pain-free & injury-free? Why are they important?? Good stability is essential for maintaining mobility; simply stretching won’t suffice for improving mobility and living pain-free. Relying solely on yoga may not prevent injuries and could potentially cause harm. We need all 3 to […]

4 simple tips from a PT Can you believe it’s already April?? Time hasn’t felt quite the same recently. Is that just me? Spring is in full force, which means everyone has gotten back outside to enjoy the beautiful Colorado weather. But with your return to running, biking, hiking, or gardening… especially after months of […]

Ease your back pain

Back Pain

Hey mama, Did somebody tell you that peeing your pants while you exercise, sneeze, or run to the toilet is normal after you’ve had a baby? Leaking is caused by conditions called urinary incontinence, and if you struggle with this, I’m here to tell you some good news: Urinary incontinence is NOT normal! It’s actually super […]

Urinary Incontinence Treatment For Moms

Pelvic Floor

Beyond “Bone-on-Bone” Diagnosis of joint pain ​ Joint pain diagnosis isn’t as scary as it seems Are your joints bone-on-bone? Don’t worry—it’s not as scary as it sounds. If you’ve been advised for a joint replacement after cortisone injections, know that they only provide temporary relief. Facing surgery, you’re likely seeking alternatives. Good news: there’s […]

Why Stretching Isn’t the Answer… Yes, we’re talking about you, tight hip flexors and hamstrings.  We hear this often… “I’ve been stretching my [insert muscle here], and it doesn’t ever seem to loosen.” Or “what’s the best stretch for my…” and “I do all of this stretching, but my back STILL hurts!”Does any of this […]

Got Tight Hip Flexors?

Physical Therapy

How Sharon got her life back My client Sharon, 58, has two disc herniations and degenerating discs in her lumbar spine. She’s endured chronic back pain for a decade, worsening notably in the last three months. Getting out of bed was difficult, gardening impossible, and even short walks left her back so stiff and sore […]

10+ years of chronic back pain…

Back Pain

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Stop chasing the symptoms with bandaide treatment and learn how to find real lasting relief!! 

7 Things You Must Know In Order To Resolve Your Back, Hip, Or Pelvic Floor Issues! 

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